Down time

Too much too young perhaps
Arabella spent time in Iraq attached to the British Army as an artist in Basra. It's worth pointing out however she was not an 'official artist'. She captures the mood of soldiers and Iraqis alike at different moments. Frequently she depicts moments of 'down time' and here she brilliantly portrays the intimacies and camaraderie of service life. Her images can be viewed here. They also form part of an exhibition at the Frost and Reed Gallery, St James, London on 12-30 May. Well worth a visit her work does not just cover Iraq but other caricatures. Ring the Frost and Reed Gallery on 0207 839 4645.
That is a great picture,(top) totally knackered, plonked down on a bench after being out on patrol.
By the way Paul I have been meaning to email you but do not have you address, I miss your comments on Organized Rage, whilst we might disagree I recognize there is a lot of common sense in what you write and I welcomed our exchanges.
I would hate to think you stay away because of a couple of imbecile stalinists, if it is because you think I write rubbish, no problem ;)
All the best
Mick, thanks for your comment. I have been following your blog but I seem at the moment to be suffering 'bloggers block'. To use that curious modern term. Stalinists and others don't bother me they simply bemuse me really. Like with the BNP I really fell such people are hardly worth a mention. I'm giving some thought to introducing changes to my blog, a possible additional focus on the arts and media perhaps. I'll be back when something interesting happens in UK, European or world politics. That said that might mean a prolonged wait. Many thanks.
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