I suppose I should not be surprised. That the BBC our state broadcaster, which I am legally obliged to fund has missed this story. Johnson Beharry a VC winner recently snubbed the PM at an official function. Why did the BBC ignore this story? Same reason they ignored this one. The answer lies in BBC bias by omission. Now who would be willing to say that if a US Serviceman who won say a Congressional Medal of Honour, yet went on to snub George Bush jnr that the BBC would ignore that story. Of course not for one thing they would find that a more comfortable subject matter to deal with. That is because that admittedly hypothetical scenario would fit into a anti-Bush/US meme. The BBC does not want to embarrass Gordy our PM.
Didn't they? It was back in 1986 mind so trawling the BBC archives would be impossible. The BBC certainly would not ignore a CMH winner from Iraq who went on to snub GW IMHO. A hypothetical situation in any case.
How well do you remember it?
'Fairly well, see if you can find anything from any mainstream news outlet on either side of the pond, not much comes up, which would seem to refute your thesis.'
My thesis is refuted by what exactly? That the BBC did not cover a story from the USA in 1986? Hardly in any case that being before internet news it’s not surprising it was not covered as coverage was less extensive. It does not stand up as a comparison.
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