This is from Times online, read it here.
Basically those nice people the Saudis have a school set up in London. It was here that they were using texts that described non -Muslims as apes and pigs. A teacher who exposed this was sacked and has been awarded compensation. However the article is wrong for one notable reason. It is not racist to say unpleasant things about a religion, those that accuse anyone who exposes Islamic bigotry as being 'Islamaphobic' could do with bearing that in mind. It is bigotry in this case of course and the school should be brought to account. One further question arises and this issue the Times like much of the western media ducks altogether. If text books in an Islamic school call Jews and Christians pigs, where do they get that idea from? I mean we are always told that Islam is a religion of peace and that these are examples of extremism? The truth is that it is direct from Islam’s holiest book the Qur'an.
For example: "Say: "O people of the Book! Do ye disapprove of us for no other reason than that we believe in Allah, and the revelation that hath come to us and that which came before (us), and (perhaps) that most of you are rebellious and disobedient?" Say: "Shall I point out to you something much worse than this, (as judged) by the treatment it received from Allah? Those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom some He transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped evil; these are (many times) worse in rank, and far more astray from the even path!" (5:59-60)"
Tragic but read any translation of the Qur'an and its there. Why does this matter? The problem is that hate filled garbage like this is taught in Saudi funded Mosques and schools globally not just in the UK. It leads to Jihadi violence. We also buy oil from and sell weapons to these people.
Here is the article from the Times for those who can't be bothered to follow a link:
Teacher accuses Islamic school of racism Alexandra Frean, Education Editor A former teacher at an Islamic school, who alleged that it taught an offensive and racist view of non-Muslims, has been awarded £70,000 by an employment tribunal after winning his case for unfair dismissal. Colin Cook told the tribunal in Watford that pupils were taught from Arabic books that likened Jews and Christians to “monkeys” and “pigs” at The King Fahad Academy, which is funded and run by the Saudi Arabian Government. The tribunal ruled that Mr Cook, a British Muslim, was unfairly dismissed from his £36,000-a-year post at the school in Acton, West London, in December 2006 after blowing the whistle on systematic cheating at a GCSE exam. The panel found that the school created a “smokescreen” to try to justify his dismissal after 18 years’ unblemished service. It awarded Mr Cook £58,800 in compensation for loss of earnings and £10,500 for injury to feelings. But it rejected his claim that the school discriminated against him on racial grounds. Mr Cook told the hearing that after leaving the school another member of staff gave him extracts from an Arabic textbook, which encouraged students to believe that all religions other than Islam were worthless. The books referred to “the repugnant characteristics of the Jews”. Another passage said: “Those whom God has cursed and with whom he is angry, he has turned into monkeys and pigs. They worship Satan.” Mr Cook alleged that the books were spreading race hatred. “They should not be brought into this country and they should not be used in this country,” he said. The school denied ever teaching any form of racial hatred and insisted that the offending passages in the books were “misinterpreted” and were never used in class. But it later got rid of the books. The school was established in 1985, with the aim of providing a high-quality education acceptable to the Saudi and British authorities for the children of Saudi diplomats and other Muslim families in London. Some of the children of the jailed extremist clerics Abu Hamza al-Masri and Abu Qatada are pupils at the school, which charges fees of up to £1,500 per year for day students. Mr Cook alleged that in June 2006 staff wrongly allowed pupils to refer to heavily annotated course books during an English language GCSE exam. The tribunal was told that when he suggested that the school might be trying to cover up his allegations, a senior colleague told him: “This is not England. It is Saudi Arabia.” Mr Cook then took his complaints direct to the Edexcel exam board. Mr Cook of Feltham, West London, taught English as a second language at the school. Giving evidence to the tribunal, he said that some pupils “talked as if they did not live in London at all”. When he queried how Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada could be paying school fees when they were said to be on benefits, he was told to mind his own business. He also claimed the school was seen as an extension of the Saudi Embassy rather than part of Britain, with Saudi teachers even enjoying diplomatic immunity. Mr Cook’s solicitor, Lawrence Davies, said: “Safeguards under English law were thrown out of the window when Mr Cook was sacked. “This school must learn that it is not the Saudi way or the highway. The tribunal has upheld justice and protected the whistle-blower.” The tribunal panel was not required to rule on Mr Cook’s allegations about the school’s curriculum. But in its judgment, it said it had considered Mr Cook to be a “truthful witness”. As he was a respected teacher, with an 18-year unblemished record, it ruled that the impact of his dismissal had been “nothing short of life-changing” for Mr Cook. He had received a “harsh punishment for doing what he thought was the right thing to do”, it concluded. Mr Cook said last night: “I have been accused by people at the school and outside the school of lies and distortion. The school inferred that I had endangered pupils with my allegations. “The evidence speaks otherwise. I told the truth all along. Islam teaches peace and honesty. Hopefully, my accusers will now realise that I acted justly and for the good of the school.” No one at the school was available to comment. The brave man who exposed this as you see was himself a Muslim. His Saudi detractors in this case need only point to Islam’s scriptures to make their argument.
There is no place for a non-Muslim monolingual teacher in a Muslim school. A newly converted Muslim is not in a position even to teach Muslim children. The teacher in question was native Brit, converted to Islamic faith. His children also attend his school. He worked there for 20 years. When he was sacked than he told a newspapper that anti-West and anti-Jews and Christian propagondas are being taugt to Muslim children. He should have reported to the education authority right from the very beginning. For his information all English schools are homes of institutional racism. Muslim children suffer more than others. They are victim of discrimination, racism and bullying but the schools and the education authorities always try to hide such incidents under the carpet. Now there is no alternative left to Muslim community but to set up Muslim schools.
No Muslim school any where in the world teach their children against other religions.
Iftikhar Ahmad
Forest Gate London United KIngdom
"No Muslim school any where in the world teach their children against other religions."
You sure about that? What about the madrassas in Pakistan? The ones where the 7/7 suicide bombers visited. Also if these Islamic schools are going to obviously teach from Islam's scriptures then that includes hatred of non Muslims and Islamic supremacism as out lined in the Qur'an. The texts referred to Jews and Christians as apes and pigs. That is precisely what the Qur'an calls them here:
"Say: "O people of the Book! Do ye disapprove of us for no other reason than that we believe in Allah, and the revelation that hath come to us and that which came before (us), and (perhaps) that most of you are rebellious and disobedient?" Say: "Shall I point out to you something much worse than this, (as judged) by the treatment it received from Allah? Those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom some He transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped evil; these are (many times) worse in rank, and far more astray from the even path!" (5:59-60)"
There you have just one example of hatred towards non-Muslims from the Qur’an, it wouldn’t matter if it were not made pertinent by groups such as Al Qaeda and individuals like Abu Hamza or Anjem Choudhary.
Also you said “There is no place for a non-Muslim monolingual teacher in a Muslim school.” Why? This is the UK? We speak English and unlike in an Islamic state individuals are free to practice the religion they choose (think of death penalty for apostasy, no Church building in SA, Kuwait, etc etc). Would you prefer the UK was an Islamic state? Thanks for dropping by its good to talk!
Great blog Paul, it is great to see like-minded people. I will link to your too.
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